Start an Ab Workout

Start an Ab Workout

Start an Ab Workout

1 Begin with butterfly crunches.

This is a simple yet effective move that targets that the rectus abdominis–the 6-pack place –also is great for beginners.
Set your hands beside your ears to keep your self from yanking on your neck.
Keeping your back flat on the floor and stomach muscles contracted, Exhale and curl up your torso a few inches off the floor toward your legs.
Lower to start position. Repeat 10 times.

2 Function towards a 6 pack with all the abdominal hold.

This movement can seem a little wonky but it really targets your rectus abdominis.
Lift your knees in towards your chest to work your abs, toning your heart muscles.
Hold this position as long as you can, aiming for 5 to 10 minutes.
Lower yourself down and repeat 10 times.

3 Challenge yourself with a side crunch.

Side crunches seem a lot simpler than they are. They test your balance and operate your oblique muscles.

Kneel on the ground and narrow all the way over to your right side, putting your right palm on the ground.
Contract your abdominal muscles as you straighten your torso to Make a straight diagonal line in your right knee to your right shoulder. Hold this position on the side, keeping your right hip From falling down towards the ground.
Keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg and point your toes.
Next, slowly lift your left leg.
Reduced to your starting place. Repeat doing two sets of 10-15 repetitions, then switch sides.

4 Try scissors. Scissors will immediately receive your abs burning with just 1 move.

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides or under your glutes for more back support.
Keeping your abdominals tight, lift your stretched legs out as high Next, lower one leg slowly towards the floor before hovering it just Over the ground. Then, bring both legs again from the original Raised position. Lower the other leg towards the floor before raising Both the legs back up. Duplicate this alternating leg motion 10-15 times For each leg.
For a variation on this motion, raise your legs one higher than the Other while they stay parallel yet lifted off the floor. The nearer Your heels are into the ground for this particular exercise, the harder it will be.
This practice taxes that the hip flexors. In case you find your back hurts, Lower your legs and follow the workout using a hip flexor stretch,
Do up to 2 sets.

5 Do the bike exercise. Bicycles will engage your obliques for a great workout in no time.

Lie on your back with your palms cupped at either ear. Lift your You may Keep this elevated position during the workout.
Maintaining your abdominals tight, lift your left knee and then raise it to towards shoulder.
Return to begin, then lift your right knee and then reach it to your left shoulder.
Alternate for 15 repetitions in a smooth, continuous movement, keeping abs Engaged and hands relaxed so you do not tug on your neck. Work up to 2 sets.

6 Hold a leading plank.

Like the side crunch, the Front plank appears deceptively straightforward. This move targets your mind Abdominals and will have your muscles shaking in moments.

Start on your hands and knees. Maintaining your ab and back muscles Contracted, drop down to your forearms while extending legs out behind You so you’re resting on the balls of your toes.
Make certain to keep your spine straight, hips upward, and throat relaxed.
Start with a 10-second hold, working up to some 60-second hold as you become more powerful. Repeat 2-3 times.

7 Play the windshield-wiper exercise.

Windshield wipers are a very simple move with a large pay off for your obliques.
Exhale and draw your navel in towards your spine as you lower your Legs to the left side in a controlled movement about 5 inches in the floor. Lift back to the center using a controlled motion.
Return to begin and repeat on the right side. Avoid arching your lower back as you move from side to side.

8 This climb up movement is a twist on the traditional lying-down crunch that targets the rectus abdominis or 6-pack muscles.

Start by lying on the ground with a 3-foot-long scarf or towel Wrapped around the ball of your right foot, knees bent, left foot on the floor.
Hold on the scarf in the hands, and extend the right leg, keeping your foot flexed.
Slowly walk your palms the scarf up, flexing your abdominal muscles, As you lift your shoulders and head off the ground. 2.
lower yourself back to the beginning place, walking your palms back down the scarf.
Do two sets of 8 to 10 reps on either side. Don’t forget to keep your mind neutral. Do not tuck your chin or tilt it backwards .

9 Ramp up your climb-up workout.

Fingers to feet works your rectus abdominus without even moving that much.

Lie on your back with your legs straight and pointed toward the ceiling, with arms by your side.
Exhale and contract your abs as you tighten your core, lifting your Head and shoulders off the floor. Keep your back flat on the floor.
Work as Many as 2 sets of 15 reps.